outdoor light

8 Essentials Of Golf Course Lighting

Essentials Of Golf Course Lighting

To bring you information about golf course lighting, we present you with some essentials of what you will need and why.

 On golf courses, there high mass lights are fixed. These are lights placed on top of the light poles that are incredibly tall (25-30m).

Some of the essential factors to be considered in golf course lighting are described below.


 Illuminance means the lux level is measured through a lux meter. One is horizontal Illuminance that is measured by placing lux meter one meter above the grass. Though it’s different from the Teeing area to the fairway and putting green area, the horizontal Illumination required is 100-400 lux. 2nd is vertical Illuminance measured by placing the lux meter in four different directions vertically. These measurements should be 100-300 lux at a 3m height.


 To make the golf course appear pleasing and more professional for high golf standards, it’s essential to have more excellent light uniformity. The recommended uniformity level is 0.7.


 Professional courses use 5000K throughout the golf course to provide clear vision and energy. On the other side, the warm white gives a relaxing and soothing effect mainly used at homes, parks, etc.

(4) CRI:

 Color rendering index level is vital to consider that the light will have the proper contrast. Nothing will have to appear overexposed or washed out. The level of CRI must be >85 for a professional golf course.


 Beam angles for the golf course are straightforward to understand. The lower beam angles from 15 to 45 degrees are used for long-range lighting and 45-60 degrees short-range lighting to cover the vast area.


Led lights have built-in circuits that control flicker issues at a higher frequency rate.


To provide glare-free Illumination to minimise visual discomfort for both golfers and spectators, the light should be equipped with an anti-glare cover.

For professional DIAlux simulation for your venue, email us at info@newon.pk or WhatsApp at 0343-9227883.

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