Everyone wants to be unique in his field. And what make us unique in lighting field is the strive for latest products and technology and it’s use in daily life. Talking about swimming pool lighting, we do deal the traditional lights and there is no denying traditional light provides an elegant aura. But the use of fibre optic lighting in swimming pool is the latest twist in a sector that is constantly innovating and pushing the limits of imagination. It’s much richer and more detailed than traditional lighting systems. We can simulate a starry sky under water or get the light to diffuse the shapes of the pool itself.

Fibre optic lighting also has a very important green component, as not only is a very low energy consumption light source, but it is also great for safety because it no electricity passes in fibre but light and it does not produce electric shocks under water.

Another important side of fibre optic lighting is it’s durability and life span. It doesn’t require replacement of accessories like bulbs and wiring etc when we talk about LED lights and the latest generation of fibre optics.
And apart from low energy consumption, safety and durability it gives you more choices to select the unique designs and colors.
It’s installation is little tricky and can only be done during construction or when a pool is being resurfaced. So if you want to give a unique look to your swimming pool, we are here to help you out. Write us at info@newon.pk or contact us directly at WhatsApp 03439227883.